HTTP allows for communication between a variety of hosts and clients, and supports a mixture of network configurations.
To make this possible, it assumes very little about a particular system, and does not keep state between different message exchanges.
This makes HTTP a stateless protocol. The communication usually takes place over TCP/IP, but any reliable transport can be used. The default port for TCP/IP is 80, but other ports can also be used.
Custom headers can also be created and sent by the client.
Communication between a host and a client occurs, via a request/response pair. The client initiates an HTTP request message, which is serviced through a HTTP response message in return. We will look at this fundamental message-pair in the next section.
The current version of the protocol is HTTP/1.1, which adds a few extra features to the previous 1.0 version. The most important of these, in my opinion, includes persistent connections, chunked transfer-coding and fine-grained caching headers. We'll briefly touch upon these features in this article; in-depth coverage will be provided in part two.
At the heart of web communications is the request message, which are sent via Uniform Resource Locators (URLs). I'm sure you are already familiar with URLs, but for completeness sake, I'll include it here. URLs have a simple structure that consists of the following components:
The protocol is typically http, but it can also be https for secure communications. The default port is 80, but one can be set explicitly, as illustrated in the above image. The resource path is the local path to the resource on the server.
There are also web debugging proxies, like Fiddler on Windows and Charles Proxy for OSX.
URLs reveal the identity of the particular host with which we want to communicate, but the action that should be performed on the host is specified via HTTP verbs. Of course, there are several actions that a client would like the host to perform. HTTP has formalized on a few that capture the essentials that are universally applicable for all kinds of applications.
These request verbs are:
GET: fetch an existing resource. The URL contains all the necessary information the server needs to locate and return the resource.
POST: create a new resource. POST requests usually carry a payload that specifies the data for the new resource.
PUT: update an existing resource. The payload may contain the updated data for the resource.
DELETE: delete an existing resource.
The above four verbs are the most popular, and most tools and frameworks explicitly expose these request verbs. PUT and DELETE are sometimes considered specialized versions of the POST verb, and they may be packaged as POST requests with the payload containing the exact action: create, update or delete.
There are some lesser used verbs that HTTP also supports:
HEAD: this is similar to GET, but without the message body. It's used to retrieve the server headers for a particular resource, generally to check if the resource has changed, via timestamps.
TRACE: used to retrieve the hops that a request takes to round trip from the server. Each intermediate proxy or gateway would inject its IP or DNS name into the Via header field. This can be used for diagnostic purposes.
OPTIONS: used to retrieve the server capabilities. On the client-side, it can be used to modify the request based on what the server can support.
Status Codes
With URLs and verbs, the client can initiate requests to the server. In return, the server responds with status codes and message payloads. The status code is important and tells the client how to interpret the server response. The HTTP spec defines certain number ranges for specific types of responses:
1xx: Informational Messages
All HTTP/1.1 clients are required to accept the Transfer-Encoding header.
This class of codes was introduced in HTTP/1.1 and is purely provisional. The server can send a Expect: 100-continue message, telling the client to continue sending the remainder of the request, or ignore if it has already sent it. HTTP/1.0 clients are supposed to ignore this header.
2xx: Successful
This tells the client that the request was successfully processed. The most common code is 200 OK. For aGET request, the server sends the resource in the message body. There are other less frequently used codes:
202 Accepted: the request was accepted but may not include the resource in the response. This is useful for async processing on the server side. The server may choose to send information for monitoring.
204 No Content: there is no message body in the response.
205 Reset Content: indicates to the client to reset its document view.
206 Partial Content: indicates that the response only contains partial content. Additional headers indicate the exact range and content expiration information.
3xx: Redirection
404 indicates that the resource is invalid and does not exist on the server.
This requires the client to take additional action. The most common use-case is to jump to a different URL in order to fetch the resource.
301 Moved Permanently: the resource is now located at a new URL.
303 See Other: the resource is temporarily located at a new URL. The Location response header contains the temporary URL.
304 Not Modified: the server has determined that the resource has not changed and the client should use its cached copy. This relies on the fact that the client is sending ETag (Enttity Tag) information that is a hash of the content. The server compares this with its own computed ETag to check for modifications.
4xx: Client Error
These codes are used when the server thinks that the client is at fault, either by requesting an invalid resource or making a bad request. The most popular code in this class is 404 Not Found, which I think everyone will identify with. 404 indicates that the resource is invalid and does not exist on the server. The other codes in this class include:
400 Bad Request: the request was malformed.
401 Unauthorized: request requires authentication. The client can repeat the request with theAuthorization header. If the client already included the Authorization header, then the credentials were wrong.
403 Forbidden: server has denied access to the resource.
405 Method Not Allowed: invalid HTTP verb used in the request line, or the server does not support that verb.
409 Conflict: the server could not complete the request because the client is trying to modify a resource that is newer than the client's timestamp. Conflicts arise mostly for PUT requests during collaborative edits on a resource.
5xx: Server Error
This class of codes are used to indicate a server failure while processing the request. The most commonly used error code is 500 Internal Server Error. The others in this class are:
501 Not Implemented: the server does not yet support the requested functionality.
503 Service Unavailable: this could happen if an internal system on the server has failed or the server is overloaded. Typically, the server won't even respond and the request will timeout.
Request and Response Message Formats
So far, we've seen that URLs, verbs and status codes make up the fundamental pieces of an HTTP request/response pair.
The source host generates an ICMP protocol data unit.
The ICMP PDU is encapsulated in an IPdatagram, with the source and destinationIPaddresses in the IP header. At this point the datagram is most properly referred to as anICMPECHOdatagram, but we will call it an IPdatagram from here on since that's what it looks like to the networks it is sent over.
The source host notes the local time on it's clock as it transmits the IPdatagram towards the destination. Each host that receives the IPdatagram checks the destination address to see if it matches their own address or is the all hosts address (all 1's in the host field of theIPaddress).
The new IPdatagram is routed back to the originator of the PING. The host receives it, notes the time on the clock and finally prints PING output information, including the elapsed time.
The process above is repeated until all requested ICMPECHO packets have been sent and their responses have been received or the default 2-second timeout expired. The default 2-second timout is local to the host initiating the PING and is NOT the Time-To-Live value in the datagram.
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